Teacher misses life before coronavirus

“I need four kids at my door before 8 a.m. I need kids tardy to class. I need someone to ask a question I literally just answered. I need my neighbor to ask me to turn on the laminator. I need a request for a parent meeting in the middle of my lunch. I need to exchange money Grahams for snacks. I need to hear 10 excuses why they didn’t do their homework. I need to hear them beg to watch a video instead of write out vocabulary. I need the same kid to stop by my room six times in one day just to say hi. I need my principal and team to ask me to complete 20 things by 10 a.m. I need a snack left in my teacher box just to be nice. I need to hear music between classes on Friday. I need to hear whistles blowing in the commons. I need my phone to ring non-stop during fourth and fifth periods. I want to hear ‘Go Ganders’ throughout the day. I need to hear ‘Once a Gander, always a Gander’ after morning announcements. I need to be reminded to take attendance every day at 10:10 a.m. I need to hand hug every one of ‘my kids.’ I need to say, ‘If nobody loves ya, I love ya.’ Dang, I miss my Ganders.”

— Sarah Graham

Sarah, a science teacher at Robert E. Lee High School, is really missing her students and normal school life while working from home during the coronavirus pandemic.

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