He finds that saving money pays off

“I just moved into an apartment. Just got a new car. Just got this dog. It all happened in one month. It’s exciting. It’s the next step, the next chapter for me.

“The dog was kind of a surprise. But I had been planning the apartment and the car. I’ve been saving up. It’s me and my girlfriend in the apartment, so we put our money together.

“I work at Walmart. I’ve been there for four years. Now I’m just waiting to transfer to the distribution center.

“One day we plan to have a family. My goal is to keep saving so that my kids don’t have to struggle, so they can have a future.

“I don’t like the fact that some people have to struggle in life. I wouldn’t want my family to go through that. So I keep working hard and keep saving.”

— Yannick Matthew


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