ICU nurse stresses importance of vaccine

Kelvin Gray with his 8-year-old daughter.

“We’ve been seeing a gradual decline in the number of COVID patients. The last time I was at work, we had a few empty beds. That hasn’t been the case in a very long time. I definitely think it’s because more people are being vaccinated.

“I believe in the vaccine. Vaccinated people can still get sick, but they don’t get as sick. We’re seeing more of that. More good stories. Vaccinated people are actually getting out of the ICU.

“When it comes to people feeling like they’re being forced to do something, they’re always going to be reluctant. But right now, that vaccine is saving lives.

“We had a 31-year-old patient come in with COVID. She was unvacinnated, and she succumbed to the virus. One of the saddest things for us as nurses is when the family comes in and has to face the tragedy. In this case, a 10-year-old girl was pulled out of school to say her last goodbye to her mom. I don’t think there was a dry eye on that unit.

“It was a Hispanic family, and nobody spoke English. But you didn’t need a translator to feel the emotion from that little girl. She wailed for her mom. She begged for her mom to come back and to not leave her.

“That’s a story that will stick with me. I have an 8-year-old daughter. And I just couldn’t imagine leaving her.

“We’ve seen too many people die from this. Don’t treat it like it’s nothing. Because I can guarantee that even if it’s nothing to you, it can be something to someone else. We’re all going through this together. We all can do our part. I encourage everybody to do their part and get vaccinated.”

— Kelvin Gray


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