ObamaCare’s arrival is timely for retiree
“When I left the Merchant Marines, I went to work at the U.S. Steel plant and stayed there until they shut it down in 1986. Then I went into business for myself as an AC and...
“When I left the Merchant Marines, I went to work at the U.S. Steel plant and stayed there until they shut it down in 1986. Then I went into business for myself as an AC and...
“I worked for the city for years. At one point, there were two bosses I had to work under. One would tell me one thing, and then here comes the other telling me something different. I...
“I was working construction, and we were moving this 49-foot-long, 26-inch-diameter pipe into place. It slid over like butter on a hot pan and, boom, it hit my knee and rolled onto my leg. I tried...
“I began losing weight when I was 29 because I really didn’t want to start my 30s being overweight. I decided it was time to get healthy. “I lost 40 pounds while working out at the...
Mother, age 54: “I was a fast food queen at one time, so I just wanted to get back to being healthy again. I wasn’t sick or anything. I just knew that internally things didn’t feel...
“I’ve been on different sides of the spectrum of unhealthy. I was overweight and I’ve been super underweight. “It was teenage girl problems. A bad breakup. I got overweight when I was with him because I...
“We’ve been walking and running mostly, plus eating more healthy.” “As Hispanics, we’re used to eating a lot. We put a lot on the plate and sometimes go for seconds. But now we’re using smaller plates...
“I have a chronic illness called pancreatitis. When I was 9, I was in the hospital for two years, so I missed two years of my life. I missed family events and all that. It was...
“A lot of people driving by ask if I’m for sale or the chair. I tell them I’m not worth $500.”
“I’m into things like healthy eating, exercise and the environment. “My view of life is pretty progressive. For instance, I think a lot of social change needs to occur so that we can live more in...