He’s helping people reach their full potential

Vincent Grant in front of gym

Vincent Grant is a personal trainer, leadership coach and motivational speaker. He also is an award-winning bodybuilder.

“When I was young, my mom would sit me down while she worked out. She took care of her health and her body. She had health books laying around everywhere. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I guess that was kind of setting the foundation for me.

“About my junior year in high school, I was always working out. I was the first guy to get there and the last guy to leave. As I was showing progress, some of the guys in the upper class took notice and started working out with me. And once I saw that, I fell in love with it. I saw what taking care of your body and your mind, and really training hard and staying focused, can do for you. That’s when I started falling in love with what I do now.

“My job as a trainer, as a coach for my clients, is to find out what lights their fire and gives them the potential to get to where they want to be. I help keep them accountable and stay motivated. Life is going to do life. Life’s job is to smack you down and stomp on you. It’s your duty, if you choose to accept it, to rise up and fight against it. To be able to climb that mountain, to cross that stream, you have to apply the effort. We all want to be successful. I’m just trying to help people reach their full potential in life.”

— Vincent Grant


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